September refresh…

I cannot believe how fast this summer has gone and to think that it was 10 weeks ago I was finishing my exams and looking forward to summer is crazy! Although I don’t feel like I’ve wasted my time off and despite setting off with the best intentions, it has been very up and down but busy in a good way 🙂 I feel like such a different person and I’m so much more relaxed when I can take time to go out and do things I enjoy – which I’m sure everyone can relate to. 

But with that being said I’m dreading going to 6th form and as it’s now nearly September I still have so much to do and a few decisions to make as I’ve put everything off until the last minute – yay!

Being stuck in the school system, September always feels like the start of a new year even more so than the 1st January so I feel as though it’s the perfect time to get back on track and organised for the last few months of the year.

To make the most of the rest of the year I think it’s important to reflect on everything you’ve achieved so far; if you find you’ve still not done something that you really want to do then make that your main focus for the next few months. Also, it’s always good to have a little declutter especially selling or donating old clothes (I sell all my old clothes on an app called ‘vinted’ which is great and so easy to use 🙂 ). Finally, I think it’s important to just let things be and take each day as it comes. Although that is easier said than done and as I’m a worrier and over thinker myself I know it can be difficult but unfortunately dwelling on the past won’t change anything and it will only delay you in making the most of the rest of the year.

Sorry this has been more of a chat rather than anything helpful but thanks for reading if you got this far,

Amy X

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